The Federal Tax Service encourages to join a pilot group for tax monitoring | News -

The Federal Tax Service encourages to join a pilot group for tax monitoring

The Federal Tax Service is collecting applications to join a working group of companies planning to switch to tax monitoring in 2025-2026. Documents are accepted until September 1.

With tax monitoring, traditional inspections are replaced by online interaction based on remote access to the company’s accounting and tax reporting. This allows you to quickly doublecheck with the regulator the taxation of any planned or completed transaction.

Members of the working group will receive feedback from FNS specialists, prepare their IT infrastructure for integration with Nalog-3 IT system and get access to Tax Monitoring Participant’s Workplace in a test mode.

The criteria to take part in tax monitoring are consistently softened. Currently the authorities are considering to reduce the amount of taxes paid to 80 million rubles (instead of 100 million), the amount of income received and the value of assets – to 800 million (instead of 1 billion).

Source: Federal Tax Service (RU)

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